CPD Points
CPD Points
It is a statutory requirement that all registered healthcare professionals in South Africa continually update their knowledge and skills and be able to provide evidence of such CPD activities if asked by the HPCSA in a random mandatory audit. The HPCSA audit has to be completed within 21 days of the request. A period of 6 month is then granted for non-compliant healthcare professionals to fulfil the CPD requirements. Potential consequences of non-compliance are listed on page 15 of the Continuing Professional Development Guidelines for the Healthcare Professionals, 2009
Summary of Annual CPD Requirements
- 30 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) per twelve-month period of which 5 of the units must be on ethics, human rights and medical law.
- Each CEU will be valid for 24 months from the date on which the activity took place (or ended, in the event of post-graduate studies) after which it would lapse.
- This means that each practitioner, after 2 years of practice, should be able to show evidence of 60 CEUs. This balance of a minimum of 60 points should be maintained annually with addition of 30 points as the 2 year old CEUs lapse.
- CPD activities are sorted by 3 levels as set out in the guide.
- CPD activities are to be recorded on Form CPD1 IAR and all accreditation certificates to be attached.
This summary serves as a general guide to members and is not necessarily up to date. Consequently, the Society advises its members to periodically check the HPCSA website for any changes to the CPD requirements and to maintain an accurate record of all CPD accredited activities throughout the year.